Kinetic-One Castle Combe 10 Mile TT – Race 1

My first proper season of TT racing had two objectives;

Can I break the 24′ time @ Castle Combe?

Can I break the 23′ time for a 10mi TT?

Based on my result at a near windless Castle Combe circuit for race 1 of the Kinetic-1 evening Time Trial Series – 23’26” – the first question is a resounding YES and the second one will be course dependent, but the signs are encouraging!!!

Leaving the stats aside, which I’m very partial to, my lead in to the Weds night was good; punishing ride Monday lunchtime, then easy rides thereafter. Finishing work early (wfh PM), achey gel on knees and shoulder, kids and wife bundled home and off by 17:20hrs, traffic calm so a slow drive due to bike set up on the back I arrived in plenty of time and all relaxed and chilled instead of being late and flustered!

So changed into full race kit & bike set up with disc, 60mm (both fully pumped) I went for a spin.

It felt good, no real wind, a little bit on the bottom corner, surface ran very smooth (mostly) on racing line, and I felt hungry for it, but in control. Three warm up laps nice and easy…

Then off we go!

… instantly in the zone, straight onto racing line and up the hill felt fast and smooth. This was gonna be good! Not too warm so no water or tablet required, just cycling. regular checks on power and all good (210w to 270w) and once fully into the lap the Av was escalating quickly after the standing start. No traffic, all clear so got the gear changes nailed, settled breathing and the first lap flew by. Maintained heart rate, kept the pace high, power consistent and the hill was but a slope! I did get taken on lap 2.5 which meant I had someone to chase, which was perfect. The legs were aching, the breathing more ragged and the head bobbing but I would pull myself together and focused on the line and settled again. two laps to go and I knew that I was nailing it; Average was 40.8 and all I had to do was to hold on. That penultimate lap I didn’t push as hard knowing that I was safely on target if I didn’t blow up, my average went from 41.2 to 41.1 on the hill climb and I knew that I wanted 41.0 minimum!

That last lap therefore I threw myself at it, hitting 41.2 again sweeping round the backbends and then storming up the hill, in pain, legs burning, lungs bursting and throat dry and sore. Pushed on up the top bit and maintained the 41.1 as I flew through the finish, stopping the recordings knowing I had done something a little bit special!

BOOM – 23’26” and almost 45” quicker than my previous PB.

Lesson#1: remove both wheels from the bike when driving as the rear disc kills the set up and almost throws the bike off the rack!

Lesson#2: 110PSI front and 120PSI rear @ Castle Combe

Lesson#3: be patient; one race doesn’t break a season, but one rave can make it! Read More