R10/17 TT

Preparation was the key thing here. The week prior was half term and the weekend before was a long weekend camping with family and brothers etc, which I managed to get away with only limited liver damage. I was also beset with a very painful lower back and a course of very strong painkillers due to rowing my kids and the nieces on the Thames, though stretching the night before did ease it off come race day, but it still wasn’t clear and had restricted me throughout the week.

Given all this, my preparation was two-fold; focused riding on the Wednesday & Thursday evening and a spin on Friday after setting the bike up as my being on my bike was comfortable for the back. The second part was possibly more importantly; I read, read and re-read and the previous notes so I knew what to expect and when come race day, the deceptive fast start, that incline at 3 miles, the upward to the roundabout and the final flurry…

Up early and the weather was idyll, gentle wind, cloudy sunshine but warm. All good and got there in plenty of time under the shadow of Sugar Loaf mountain; oh how memories of Abergavenny are shaped in our youth. All good, back stiff, but everything else feeling good, caught up with Simon and John and then a nice warm up to settle in to position and eventually got to the line with a few mins to spare, so I quick pee before lining up.

All set and ready to roll!

First 1k was fast. Maybe too fast! heart rate about 170 and I was above 40k speed and the average was quickly rising, I avoided the huge crater that had opened on the new tarmac and I knew that the road was favourable to start, and with a kick at 2k and again at 4k. The first part was executed well and I pushed hard on the rise of the first slope then maintained it as the road started the rise for a couple of k from 4 to 6; that infamous 3mi mark!

Once over I knew it was favourable run in to the roundabout with a gentle rise to slow me down and then fast exit. I nailed; same time as last time with no traffic anywhere to blight me and then a very fast exit. Halfway and I knew I was going well. Tablet in the mouth which I’m not sure if it helped or not but it distracted me! up the gentle rise and I was feeling it in my legs; heart rate more settled below 170 but I wasn’t certain of overall time and not confident I was sub 23mins. As I tried to push on and hit it hard on the gentle decline it was hard work, luckily, I was overtaken, and whereas taking that as an insult I took this as an opportunity and I knew I had to grab hold of his wheel to give me that boost.

I gave it everything to do so and for a few 100m’s kept him in front of me but couldn’t sustain without blowing up, but it refocused my mind and gave me enough momentum with 2k to go to push on hard up that final little rise to enjoy the gentle descent to the finish; legs and throat burning I pushed it with all I had to scream “52” as I crossed the line, spent… my watch and my computer all said plus 23mins, so my expectations were ambivalent as I’ve been deceived before where computer says YES, but race results ultimately say “No”.

So, after crawling painfully back to HQ and straightening my body, I went in to check the board; the board of facts for the race of truth?



I’m glad Simon was there to share my unrefined joy, I was only an aching back away from picking him up and hugging him!!!

45″ quicker than last time; Corima rear disc, HED Deep front, nopinz skinsuit, Specialised TT2 helmet, and some bloody hard work over winter and spring all add up!

my seasons objectives complete – sub 22’ for 2020?

One thought to “R10/17 TT”

  1. Absolutely grinning from ear to ear as I read this Dan, so chuffed for you making that huge landmark of a sub-23. And it’s so good to see your hard work paying. A big chunk of the season still ahead of you so I’m sure you can go quicker still. But let’s not worry about that for now — just enjoy the satisfaction of a tough target being achieved! Well done, pal!

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