Socially responsible training rides

On Thursday 28/5 the South Wales contingent of VCC will take part in a small training ride in the local area. 

It will be a low-key thing involving just a few of the local members/friends.  A rare chance to be sociable while remaining socially responsible.

The idea is that we’ll meet up at the start of a local 5-mile segment, ride it individually within the limits of our fitness (which are significant), top that up with a few laps around a nearby 2-mile segment, then get ourselves home.

It will be a chance to gauge our form and fitness, see some familiar faces, check in with each other, then clear off.

We’ll maintain social distancing throughout and won’t be doing anything that could be seen as a breach of the regulations, local or national.

We’ll let you know how it goes and will post some photos and reactions on the site.  The times won’t be quick but that’s not important, obviously.

More info here:

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